Moonlight, or, What Twilight Should Have Been
/In 2007, right before the first Twilight film was released, CBS aired a fantastic but short-lived vampire series called Moonlight. I know you didn't watch it--don't lie. There's a reason it was cancelled. But now, with the travesty that was the Twilight saga of movies behind us, let's take the chance to tune into the show that did vamps right. Moonlight is currently streaming on CW Seed, so no time like the present!
"But why?" you ask. "Why should I invest time, attention, and my emotional stability in a show that ended ten years ago." Vampires are passe. Wasn't True Blood enough?
Well, here are 5 reasons Moonlight deserves your love:
1) Mick St. John--the original vamp-who-hates-vamping. A bad boy turned good man who put the bloody past behind him and is really just trying to turn over a new, slightly-chilled leaf. Also, he's a private eye, which is obviously more fun to watch than a high school student *cough, Edward, cough*
2) Refrigerators--the vampires of Moonlight would never be caught, er, dead, in a lame old coffin. Instead, they sleep in sexy modern refrigerators. The lying-down kind, obviously, not the side-by-side kind where you keep your butter and carrots. Is this a good reason to watch the show? Maybe not, but it is interesting.
Mick in his fancy freezer bed.
3) RESPECT FOR THE DAMN AUDIENCE--Does Mick spend all season trying to keep his blood-sucking secret from his lady love? NO. Because he realizes audiences are sick of the 'I have a dark secret' trope. So he tells Beth the truth about his condition in like, episode 3. And then we can all move on from there. Thank God.
4) Jason Dohring--Have you been missing JD since Veronica Mars ended? Is his recent stint in iZombie just not enough for you? Then look no further, because my man Jason Dohring plays a super badass, super old vampire in Moonlight, and it's everything you hoped it would be.
The 25-yr-old centurion you didn't know you needed.
5) Lurve--Will they? Won't they? Spoiler alert: they will. (See #3 above). Mick and Beth get it on pretty early in the show, and we can all be thankful for that. They've got enough fangy problems without the continuous angst of sorta-kinda-maybe dating.
So if your DVR is looking a little sparse these days, or if you're just sick of gambling on Netflix originals (they're all either 5 stars or 0 stars! How is that possible! Such dichotomy!), check out Moonlight. It's a bloody good time. (Sorry, I couldn't resist).